Man, the guy just vetoed the gay marriage bill, balanced the budget and we’re getting a 10% across-the-board tax cut. You people striving for 100% perfection are going to end up with another four of obama.
How about if we just strive for someone who's not a gun-banning northeasterner, like Romney and Christie both are?
“You people striving for 100% perfection are going to end up with another four of obama.”
When it comes to supporting the U.S.Constitution...yes!
Christie is not a 100% supporter of 2nd Amendment rights. The First Amendment is worthless unless it can be backed up by the Second.
Christie impressed me before the hurricane hit. While other governors were saying, “We’re going to take care of you ... there are centers here here and here and supplies...” Christie had the balls to say, “Get out of Dodge. If you have family or friends ... go stay with them ... we can’t support all of you...”
you forgot to add in he took on the teachers unions and won big....its funny but many of the same people who love Ronald Reagan here (as I do)- a former demoKrat who gave amnesty to millions of illegals- get their panties in a bunch over Christie...
except for Sarah Palin there’s few 10000% conservatives out there and as much as I love Palin, she would not beat ayatollah obama in a national election...
Bingo - they will attack Christie while stamping their feet that Newt is pure.
I AGREE....only if this becomes necessary. I will let the primary take its course first. I would be much happier with Christie than with Romney. I did NOT like some of his policies...but generally he hits the big issues WELL. Electing more patriots to the House and Senate will only ADD to the “insurance” that things will get done in a way to help this country.
A house divided cannot stand. We’ve GOT to agree on SOMEONE.
There is NO perfect candidate and this election is CRUCIAL.
Pray and fast for our nation.
Hey Jersey? Where you from?
Looks good to me. What's not to like?
Agreed. Christie is an awesome governor. Jobs are coming back, taxes are going down, he’s crushing the unions and the press. I don’t want him to run for national office because he is the only one that can fix Joisey.
Why, you think barry is 98% perfection?