That's what this is about ~ not assisted suicide ~ but the case where the doctor does the killing.
BTW, never, ever trust anyone to treat you who ever practiced in Nederland or Belgium. Supposedly only 66% of their physicians refuse to kill people ~ which means the odds are real good the Nelanderishe Physician treating you might well murder you.
Spend some time around the cancer wards of the VA hospitals. There's a lot of guys in there that say they always believed they'd be able to "take care of it myself if it comes to that". Problem is many find themselves in a hospital with no gun.
The problem is USUALLY solved by a family member in the final hours...when all restrictions on "the button" are removed...almost ceremoniously... by the nurse.
If folks count this as euthanasia then it's likely 10% or more of all deaths in the USA are euthanasia. And very, very few people would eliminate this protocol.