One good illustration of that point, is Santorum’s recent pipe dream, calling for the elimination of all corporate taxes to manufacturing, leaving all other forms of business to pick up the gap. What this also illustrates, is the fact that Santorum sees any such solution through the eyes of a Big Government, big spending, Union loving Washington insider, Lobbyist stooge.
Social issues are inconsequential? American has a 50 percent divorce rate, 40 percent unwed motherhood, slackers avoiding work, fatherless kids rampaging through our neighborhoods. Churches crushed by the bureaucratic diktat of HHS health czars and brutal equal opportunity offices.
Meanwhile, the real heart and passion against Obamacare is with the social conservatives — the brave bishops and evangelicals seeking to preserve RELIGIOUS rights.
The libertarians — with no organization and no spiritual values — are weak and disorganized in fighting Obamacare. Libertarian materialists like you are no better than the godless French.