To: mountainlion humiliated at science proving the earth was not flat so they jumped on the global warming cult. Likely it was the so-called scientists on the 1970's "The Ice Age Is Coming" scare tactic.
6 posted on
02/19/2012 10:18:46 AM PST by
To: QT3.14
Anm ICE AGE is definitely coming. It’s just like “Globull Warming”. It’s positively coming, just no one has any idea when.
7 posted on
02/19/2012 10:32:24 AM PST by
To: QT3.14
At least the 1970s ice agers used science and did not have to make props made form false information to create a hoax of global warming.
8 posted on
02/19/2012 10:55:36 AM PST by
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