The jobs are in China.
Obama has sent most of our manufacturing base to China. Obama then borrows trillions from China to buy more china products, pay for the healthcare of 40 million illegals
China devalues their currency to steal our manufacturing base. Then China secures U.S. debt to keep U.S propped up and buying more China products.
We are living on debt.
“We are living on debt.”
Only for a little more time...
Obama has sent most of our manufacturing base to China. Obama then borrows trillions from China to buy more china products, pay for the healthcare of 40 million illegalsChina devalues their currency to steal our manufacturing base. Then China secures U.S. debt to keep U.S propped up and buying more China products.
We are living on debt.
Obama, Bernanke, Geithner - The Three Stooges of the financial world.
Not only do they have us living on borrowed money, they are borrowing money to pay the interest on the money they borrowed last month to pay the interest on the money they borrowed the month before that ......