I didn’t make a conscious decision—but I don’t even watch Hannity anymore. Bob Beckel is everywhere—and I can’t stand to even listen to him. Fox News used to be the only alternative to the leftist cabal—now they have joined the forces of darkness: except for Napolitano and Stossel. The Five is horrid. I don’t know what the details are—BUT ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY. There’s a reason to be sure.
There is an alternative. I’ve been watching GBTV, which is growing and expanding at lightening speed, and get the rest of my news from the Blaze and here. It’s served me well. Best 9 bucks a month I ever spent. Especially, since they added another news hour right after Beck’s 2 hours. At least you learn something there.
Stossel is a hardcore libertarian and I believe Napolitano leans that way. They are not conservatives. Libertarian does not equal conservative. Keep your libertarian party out of my conservative party.
FOX has always had liberals on. Is Hannity a less conservative show than Hannity and Colmes? O’Reilly has always been a populist on economics, but with a clear mainstream, non-religious-based social conservatism that you rarely see on television from anyone.
I’ll always watch O’Reilly because he’s a great broadcaster, great interviewer and it’s probably the most entertaining show on television for me. I don’t like Hannity as much since Colmes left. I like watching debate with both sides duking it out. Greta has actually been improving lately as an interviewer. Geraldo’s a liberal guy but also does a pretty good show. Huckabee is pretty conservative...show’s a little boring.
All that being said, a lot of the downticket commentators and talking heads seem to have a RINO tilt lately, but they’re the type of people who always did, it just didn’t come out as much when there was no one to criticize except for Obama. They still bring on arch-conservatives like Michelle Malkin, declared moderates like Pat Cadell and far-lefties of various flavors.
Politics isn’t news and isn’t supposed to be. Their news shows are Special Report to an extent and FOX Report. What I always turn off is their coverage of the celebrity scandals, missing kids, etc. But, again, that’s nothing new. They’ve always done that. And I’ve never watched the pure fluff like their morning shows.
I don’t think of Beck as a conservative, more like a basketcase. He’s someone who does not have a clear-thinking mind so it’s no surprise he got mixed up with drugs, booze and an exotic religion like Mormonism.
Red Eye is also one of the funniest shows on TV. Comedy from any kind of conservative perspective is rare enough that you have to appreciate it. Sure, they’re moderate, but for the entertainment industry, they may as well be far right-wing.
Megyn Kelly’s rose up on the network big time and she’s obviously a social liberal/fiscal conservative, but she’s risen because she’s the first gorgeous news babe they’ve had who’s also genuinely intelligent and has fantastic broadcasting skills. They may have de facto become more moderate because of her, but it’s more because she’s so darn talented that she deserved to rise to prominence.
I like seeing different sides debate. I’m from Pennsylvania and a Democrat family, so I’ve been debating all my life. An entirely conservative message would feel alien to me and probably a little boring.