I work in the medical field. I started out in SoCal. Had this Doctor there...that signed off...Dr. W%#^#$&^....D.O. I asked someone there....what the hell is that???? I'd never heard of a D.O. The person I asked...didn't know either. Ha!!
Figured out...after investigating....what D.O.'s are.
Moved to Oklahoma....and found lot's of D.O.'s practicing...Cardiac surgeons, E.R. Doc's, Anesthesiologist's, etc.........
Even have a future SNL going to Med School here....at OSU. A Osteopathic Medical School.......
Crazy, eh!!
Our medical practice in Broken Arrow was a family of Osteopaths: the “old Doc” and his wife, his sister (she delivered two of my babies), his son, his daughter (she was our GP), and his son-in-law. Great bunch of people. The old Doc had gone to Kirksville and knew my grandfather, while the rest of them had been to school in Oklahoma.