See, though, they won’t let you take the reasonable position. It grates on their very core you could say some vaccines are too risky, or too many are given at one time, to such a small body that has a very new and unused immune system. If you’re against mandating vaccines to girls for sexual activity you’re committing child abuse by not getting it, basically.
Nope, if you don’t sing their tune lock stock and barrel, you’re to be mocked and ridiculed and they go global-warming-denier on you. No middle ground. They make it a mission to personally destroy and defame your character and credibility.
Just look at the comments I got from these people here and I am for people taking vaccines if they want them, and also not taking them if they don’t. If you are for individual choice on the issue of vaccines, these people simply cannot tolerate that. And they revert to name calling and saying it’s their religious duty to force you to take it because you not taking it harms them and it’s for the greater good.
They are truly insane and you cannot argue with an insane person. I wonder how they’d survive if others would start forcing them to do things they didn’t want to do because they knew better, their religion supported liberation theology, for example, which justifies poor people stealing from those who have more than they do. Wonder how long they’d put up with that?
You are conflating two problems.
But... You are correct, that other vaccines are pushed on parents and babies that simply are not necessary for most small children.
There are **highly** contagious communicable disease that cripple and cause death. It is irresponsible not have a child vaccinated against these diseases. There are only a handful of these.
It is sad, but I fear that only a plague of crippling and deadly diphtheria, polio, or measles will be enough to bring the anti-vaccination advocates back into the realm of common sense.
By the way....Some years ago I had shingles. Wow! Get the vaccine! It is worth the $200 not to get this very painful and debilitating condition.