The words came off your finger tips, boy. I didn't make anything up.
I've decided that you're not bright enough to be a Gingrich supporter. They're smart conservatives who love the country, and you don't seem to be any of those things (plus, you're unbelieveably dishonest and vapid).
I think you're either a closet Paulite, or a DU troll. Nothing you say fits what a conservative would say.
So begone troll. There's work to be done, and you're clearly not going to do it.
Enjoy your "Having Obama is better" fantasy. YOUR words. Not my putting them in your mouth.
Sooner or later you may learn that words mean things, and when you say "Having Obama is better" there are going to be a lot of bright people who think you're either nuts, or a troll........or both.
Perhaps at some point, you can defend why Obama's choice for a SC Justice is "better" than Rick Santorum's would be. I think a lot of us would love to know the "logic" behind that.
Well, boy, I’ve decided that you’re not bright enough to be a conservative. You’re unbelievably dishonest, cowardly and stupid.
You’re the one acting trollish, so you can go take a hike.