Then try to explain WHY such a staunch, pro-life Catholic could support, not once but twice in 1995 and 2004, one of the most pro-abortion liberal candidates and slimes, as A.Specter?
Probably because here in PA, Santorum needed Specter’s endorsement to squeak by in a state that leans Democrat. It was just a matter of political horse-trading. There are good reasons to support RINOs in states where conservative Republicans can’t win. Some votes for our legislation are better than no votes. There’s no good reason to support a RINO on the presidential level because that severely moves your party to the left in every way imaginable.
Spector was a Republican at the time and Santorum supported a fellow republican. Sort of like I held my nose and voted for McLame in the last election and as much as I didn’t care for him, I was NOT going to vote for Obimbo. Politics is often the art of the possible.