Just because you can beat discipline into an unwilling participant doesn't mean you have the Constitutional right to do so.
Morale and discipline was and is much lower among conscripts and militaries that force conscription.
We need professional soldiers who are patriots and serve willingly.
We don't need, nor does the Military want, conscripts.
Serving alongside rejects whose only choices in life were Military or Prison may seem like a respected place in society to you - to me it makes Military service one step above imprisonment as a vocation.
Do you believe in a government of limited and enumerated powers?
It seems you have an issue with the German Army, not American draftees.
The United States Army and Marines can make a soldier shave, and stay within weight limits, draftees fought WWII, 70% of our war dead were draftees, 30% of our dead in Vietnam were draftees, and you hold them all in contempt.
A draftee could pass the PT tests and hold his own with any other man, RA, or draftee, females can’t do that.
George Washington won a war with his draftees, but he did not allow homosexuals and women.