It seems to me that someone could make a “hyper-conservative” movie, showing liberals and leftists for what they are, as long as the actors are wearing enough makeup so that they cannot be identified.
It would have to be direct to DVD, as theaters wouldn’t run it, and no distributor would touch it. Importantly, it couldn’t have an overriding religious theme because then it could just be dismissed as a religious movie.
Much of it would cover the gamut of foul liberalism and leftism, but without referencing real people.
Showing the horrible hypocrisy, racism, sexism, antisemitism, anti-American, anti-religious, authoritarian and oppressive, perverted, stupid and hateful side of liberals and the left. All wrapped in lies, cheating, sanctimony and pseudo-intellectualism.
How they corrupt everything they touch, and curse those who are fair and honest in any way.
If it had real bite, it would make a fortune.
my dream script would be written by Iowahawk
ever heard of Atlas Shrugged the Movie? Part 2 coming up this year.
Did you buy Atlas Shrugged?
when filming a conservative movie, the director should take every opportunity to mock the ideology/philosophy/agenda of those who would be our political masters. Going for the guffaw at the expense of the far left would increase the box office nicely.