For those interested.
One thing to keep in mind, is that with the dumbing down of American children in the Gubmint schools, the concept of American EXCEPTIONALISM is foreign to most people other than the “over the hill crowd” of which I am a member.
I would credit the high percentage showing for Santorum, to be a result of the hard work he has done in pounding the concept into (young) Missouri minds, and slowly bringing the average person to realize what a great Country we still (just barely) have, and what we need to do in order to prevent its being stolen out from under us.
I have been rooting for Newt; but God is sovereign, and I pray that in this crucial time, He will promote the man of His choice. Amen.
Thanks for the ping
T’anks— I saved it. And paid respects to the Greeley paper.Islam does Not worship the same God— Islam is NOT compatible with any Western system.Islamic Law is the very antithesis of our American Liberty.