Let’s kill everyone who doesn’t agree with us.
I’ve always been a fan of Eastwood as I mistakenly thought he represented a pinpoint of light in Hollywood. After reading that bio it’s evident I was sadly mistaken. The guy is absolutely clueless.
I did NOT say conservative, now did I? I read the review you site and it does say he is registered as a Republican.
He has some Libertarian views, well so do I. Not some of the same as his, but I understand his position. Nothing good comes from Washington, so the less they do, the better I like it. I want the federal government "out of my life(and everyone else's)" as much as possible.
PowderMonkey, the link you provide says Eastwood voted for McCain over Obama. He is not strictly a Republican, though, and has supported Democrats too.
The bigger story, of course, is how voters feel about bailing out GM and Chrysler. Romney was against it, right? And maybe the Chevy Corvette they gave the MVP would have been extinct or bought by a Chinese company.