How far apart from Obama is Romney going to be?
Obama is black, that is why you don’t like him.
Romney is Mormon that is why you don’t like him.
Romneycare-50 state
I am Kathleen-Bondi and I endoresed this message: Take your bc pill, I don’t care what your beliefs are.
Alinsky! That is shared between Obama and Romney, too.
Obama surrounds himself with radicals—you say that because he is black!
Romney surrounds himself with radicals—you say that because he is Mormon!
...Our Destiny PAC... Restoring our Future PAC... who does all that restoring of love, honor and courage again? Who is Huntsman?
Why was it that LDS filled the halls and excluded others from celebrating with Romney tonight?
Isn’t it their win, too...even if not LDS?
I might have felt compelled to call Gov Mormon in that circumstance myself.
Though, R Paul supporters generally speaking—GENERALLY— like to stir up a ruckus for whatever reason.
Is LDS more exclusive or inclusive?
I am tired of being told I can’t ask questions of somebody who will have a direct effect on my life and my freedoms or the lack thereof.
What makes someones feelings more special than my freedom?
We are letting PC think steal away our ability to become informed and THAT cripples our ability at self defense.
God didn’t create us in the image of sheep.
King is a lib-dim marionette scumbag, pure and simple.