It is funny the change in 24 hours. Yesterday the Trump endorsement was going to be the game changer for Newt. Today Trump no longer important here.
Putting aside the Mitt/Newt fight, this is actually really good news if you want to beat Obama in the fall. I had always worried about Trump going rogue himself and running as a third party or getting behind someone with big money for a third party.
A third party candidate guarantees another term for Obama, ala Clinton/Perot/Bush in 1992. I just hope we can continue to dodge that bullet.
Trump reserved the right to run as a spoiler if the republicans nominate the “wrong candidate” (Trump’s words). So, if Gingrich wins the nomination, I guess that would be the wrong candidate, which means Trump would run, just the scenario you are worried about.
It could have helped Newt, but come to think of it, this coalescence of plutocrats outside of Newt probably helps Newt even better. What was Newt’s biggest money fling of his whole life? When he was a pricey consultant for Freddie Mac for a few years (and it wasn’t ridden with any scandal best as we know). Newt (and Santorum) look positively redneck with duct tape on their boots compared to the Plutocrat Pair.