Right, Ann, try and hop back on the Conservative train all you like, but we're not buying it. MittBot is as MittBot does and if Newt had won Florida you'd be slandering Newt every way you could think of instead of this lame attempt to pretend you're concerned about all things Conservative.
Want anyone to ever believe you again, Ann? Then shave your head so everyone recognizes you've been a bit too friendly with the fascist occupiers and appear that way on Fox where you admit to having made a horrible mistake by supporting Romney.
Ann Coulter, just another Vichy Republican slut partying with the fascist troops at night and pretending to be Conservative by day.
“The problem isn’t health insurance mandates. The problem isn’t Romneycare. The problem isn’t welfare reform. The problem is Democrats.”
Ann is saying the problem isn’t government. It’s who runs it.
Establishment thinking. The fight isn’t between freedom and tyranny, it’s about whose doing the tyrannizing.