Then you just aren't aware of what truly is at stake in this race.
I-hoot responds: Then you just aren't aware of what truly is at stake in this race.
Oh, really? Here's what's at stake in this race. If Romney gets the nomination, millions of decent, God-loving, God-fearing Americans will be put in a situation where, in a desperate attempt to vote "against" Obama, will find themselves seriously contemplating voting FOR a guy, Romney, who (among other things) celebrated and condoned junior high school kids in their embrace and declaration of open homosexuality, and who made cheap, taxpayer-subsidized abortion-on-demand part of the Massachusetts health care plan.
Itsahoot, Romney IS demonstrably depraved and craven, and YOU come on here and praise Santorum for contributing to the likelihood that Romney will get the nomination?
What is truly at stake in this race? Whether or not God-fearing Americans will be tempted to vote FOR a craven, wicked politician named Romney.
"You just aren't aware of what truly is at stake in this race" -- you've got some nerve.