Romney's minions got the Florida primary moved up so he could claim an early victory .... Ha. They also got the pro - ahem - Romney states slated for February. Romney's people got Florida moved up and it's good they lost delegates.
Georgia now has more delegates than Florida. Why? Because Romney's minions forced an early voting in Florida in hopes to secure the nomination in January.
But wait... Look at how March, April and May shape up for Newt. Romney's minions need to shut it for crying over Florida not getting enough delegates, when it was Romney's people who moved up the Florida primary. Lots for Pro-Newt states still to come.
Newt - Washington 43
Newt - Alaska 27
Newt - Georgia 76
Newt - Idaho 32
RINO - Mass 41
Newt - North Dakota 28
Newt - Ohio 66
Newt - Oklahoma 43
Newt - Tennessee 58
? - Vermont 17
Ron Paul - Virginia 50
Newt - Wyoming 29
Newt - Kansas 40
Newt - Alabama 50
? - Hawaii 20
Newt - Mississippi 40
Newt - Missouri 52
? - Illinois 69
Newt - Louisiana 46
Newt - Maryland 37
Newt - Texas 155
? - Wash D.C. 19
Newt - Wisconsin 42
? - Connecticut 28
? - Delaware 17
? - New York 95
Newt - Pennsylvania 72
? - Rhode Island 19
Newt - Indiana 46
Newt - North Carolina 55
Newt - West Virginia 31
Newt - Nebraska 35
Newt - Oregon 29
Newt - Arkansas 36
Newt - Kentucky 45
Georgia has more delegates over Florida. Florida needs to shut it. They are not eligible for additional delegates. Go Newt ! Never Give Up!
And MYTH ROMNEY and his entire family have avoided military service for the past 150 years (when they weren't busy fleeing to Mexico to practice polygamy).
The fight has just begun.
Hell, I’m not giving up. I’m learning from this.
I will admit, I didn’t pay this much attention in the last election this early in the game. Probably didn’t even start until Palin entered the race.
It’s interesting and fascinating. I think Newt is strategic and he knows this process like the back of his hand.
But don’t discount the Spoiler. His concession speech tonight FROM NEVADA of all places, was nothing but attacks on NEWT, right out of the gate. He is really getting despicable.
Conservatives need to shut this dude down. A prompt email campaign for starters should commence. HE is the unprincipled one, the erratic and unreliable one, if there was any.