Never say never. Depends upon what the alternative is.
The alternative would potentially be for 8 years. I will take what is behind door number 1 for 4 years Alex.
I can absolutely with 100% conviction tell you I WILL NEVER EVER VOTE FOR ROMNEY PERIOD
Free Republic is an ANTI-ROMNEY website. We see him as we see Zero.
Per Jim Robinson:
Romney's positions: Abortion, gay rights, gun control, liberal judges, mandated socialist/fascist healthcare (RomneyCare)!
Free Republic will never support Romney. Romney and his minions need to accept the FACT that FREE REPUBLIC is Anti-Romney and we will BASH him FOREVER.
God forbid we have a live thread on a debate between Zero and Romney.... please know we will be bashing both in real time equally.
Romney will never be supported on Free Republic. Just accept it and move on. We no like Romney. Why can't Romney apologists learn to stay off Free Republic? Get your own website.