You don't really understand what you read do you? No one "hates" Paterno. It's just that with the big bucks comes big responsibility, and Paterno is seen as not living up to his responsibilities. And sorry tootsie roll, but head coach, Paterno, and assistant coach, Sanduski, means that Sanduski was in Paterno's organization.
And your pathetic attempts to change the subject to local sex offenders is as totally irrelevant as it is sad.
No, it's not changing the subject. . it is very relevant to the discussion that you, on the one hand, insist Joe didn't take enough responsibility, while, on the other hand you say you have no responsibility for sex offenders in your own backyard. . .and is rather indicative that this is just entertainment for you. . .it's much easier to sit back and be self-righteous than actually doing something. Why don't you start by learning how to spell the name SANDUSKY (not SANDUS-KI!!!). . Good thing you weren't the arresting officer. . .the case would be thrown out on the technicality that the arresting officer can't even spell the suspects name correctly. . .what else do you have ass-backwards, huh. . think about it Sherlock!!
S-a-n-d-u-s-k-y was no longer a coach with Paterno. Paterno was not his employer. . .get your facts straight. ..