To: onyx; trisham; TheOldLady; DJ MacWoW; JoeProBono; RedMDer; musicman; Lady Jag; MEG33; STARWISE; ...
hoosiermama asked how we could do this and here’s my shot at it.
We need this to go viral!!
Rush, Sarah, Santorum, and all fence sitters should immediately endorse and support Newt in Florida to block Romney!!
4 posted on
01/29/2012 2:04:16 PM PST by
Jim Robinson
(Rebellion is not just brewing, rebellion is here!!)
To: Jim Robinson
It’s time to stop this socialist takeover..
67 posted on
01/29/2012 2:36:34 PM PST by
(Thank You To All Who Serve Our Country)
To: Jim Robinson
82 posted on
01/29/2012 2:44:39 PM PST by
(Mater tua caligas gerit- A closed mouth gathers no feet -)
To: Jim Robinson
Outstanding letter, Jim!
130 posted on
01/29/2012 3:30:15 PM PST by
To: Jim Robinson
I believe that Mark, Sarah and Rush have all but formally endorsed Newt. Especially Levin and Palin.
184 posted on
01/29/2012 5:03:43 PM PST by
("You Lie!")
To: Jim Robinson
Rush, Sarah, Santorum, and all fence sitters should immediately endorse and support Newt in Florida to block Romney!!Santorum incorrectly conflated Mitt's and Newt's positions on healthcare in the first Florida debate. IMO, it was the beginning of the end. I hope I'm wrong.
"The problem with the answers from Congressman Gingrich and Governor Romney is that, well, they didn't always say what they're saying. Governor Romney was the author of Romneycare, which is a top- down government-run health care system which, read an article today, has 15 different items directly in common with Obamacare, everything from the increase in the Medicaid program, not just that government is going to mandate you buy something that's a condition of breathing, mandate that you buy an insurance policy, something that Governor Romney agreed to at the state level, something Congressman Gingrich for 20 years advocated, that the federal government can force each and every person to enter into a private contract. Something that everyone now, at least up on this stage, says is radically unconstitutional, Congressman Gingrich supported for 20 years." "This is the top-down model that both of these gentlemen say they're now against, but they've been for, and it does not provide the contrast we need with Barack Obama if we're going to take on that most important issue. We cannot give the issue of health care away in this election. It is too foundational for us to win this election."
To: Jim Robinson is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson