When the faith issue comes up in the fall, and what Romney really believes, Obama will be laughing. Obama of course has no faith except in himself, but this is a serious issue that cannot be glossed over.
I don’t know the beliefs of mormonism. But if Mitt is any indication of it, lies/deception must be not only be acceptable but promoted. Does LDS mean - LieDailySinners?
Obama will get him on the job fear factor and greed guilt big time.
Romney is DOA.
Gingrich is the ONLY ONE who can counter Obama as a personal record of his primary campaign on the Obama hypocrisy.
Tarp be gone:
No bailout, it never were about shutting factories.
But they want people to fear that.
Only Newt can express this, though he errs in interventionisms.
workers tread and tread... indeed... to the rise up, to the rise up, as a prop,
as a prop, to the party line hashing energy they cannot have. The worker
produces the propaganda like it produces shoes, without caring what it is for.
Thus, the only thing Newt need to hone on the language is Reform! New shoes! Better looking factories! Better products!
Involve the worker in the sell of a good product he can feel good about, and not this Obama crap propaganda BS.
This is what the government should arbitrate (and not regulate) for.
Indeed, Romney’s faith philantropy will be mocked as hypocritical by Obama when Romney said “corporations are people too”, implying corporate greed was fine and that investing in the worker and products to sell was not.
Romney is DOA, liberals know it and the GOP E shoots itself.