I am a prepper and very aware that it has become a compulsion personally and nationally. We are truly neurotic about preparing for the worst. It seems to have come about mostly from our unconstitutional socialist leader and what he may have in store for us up ahead. He certainly has not instilled national confidence. He got here by deception and the backing of evil (Soros) money. It is doubtful he will leave peacefully and the country is preparing for what that may mean. It is shameful that the pretender has brought us to this. But we are “Can-Do” people and we will do what we have to to protect ourselves and our country.
Preparedness is a human tradition, an American tradition, and huge during the 1950s,1960s,1970s, and 1980s.
It never goes out of style, I grew up with it, I have a small collection of pamphlets from 1961 through the 1980s.
What changed in the pamphlets, is the tone from the government. It used to be adult to adult, man to man, government to veteran, adult, father of the household facts, data, graphs, percentages, hard nosed scenarios and practical ways to deal with them.
In time it became more condescending, government talking down in simple terms to simple people, in nonthreatening generalities, with simple advice, a little food, some water, flashlights and batteries.