for the entire election up to about a week or two before Iowa Santorum polled 2% or so, which means nearly all his supporters now supported either Palin, Perry, or Cain in the past... and all three of those are now supporting ... GINGRICH.
That should tell them all they need to know. STOP listening to the media, STOP listening to Romney’s lying ads, throw that those lying BS mailers from Romney in the trash and LISTEN to those you formally supported! Then get down there and vote for NEWT!
I just WISH the people of Florida would LOOK AT who is endorsing who here.
Romney - FOX News (Roger Ailes), Carl Rove, the Bushes, Dana Perrino, Bob Dole, Chris Christie, George Will, Charles Krauthammer, John McCain, Ann (I love Chris Christie) Coulter,Charlie Crist, etc. etc.
A BIG Pack of RINOS and the people who helped CREATE the mess that helped put a Marxist Muslim in the White House. They DON’T represent CHANGE in Washington!!! They represent the SAME kind of BANKRUPT Political, economic and social policies which have driven America down the road to destruction.
Gingrich - PERRY, HERMAN CAIN, SARAH PALIN - among many others. People who are committed to CHANGING and SHAKING UP the GOP and Washington Establishments and STOPPING the collusion of RINO Republicans with the far left of the Democrat Party.
ITS A NO-BRAINER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!