Actually all the latest polls show Romney’s lead increasing. Including a PPP poll today +8. And several published on Friday anywhere from Romney +7 to +9 or so. Those seem to be trending Romney, not Newt.
We saw the poll trends in SC last week, and they turned out to be pretty accurate. I am afraid this will be the week Newt lost his shot at the presidency.
But, keep the faith. This race has been a roller coaster. And I don’t see Romney winning by 8-9. I think it will be close, and Newt could still pull it out. But quit calling for Santorum to get out. If Newt can’t win it on his own strength, then he can’t beat Obama anyway. And Santorum has other priorities right now. We all need to pray for his daughter.
Absolutely! And there are some real game changers in the wind tonight, Cain endorsement, Giuliani against Romney, Sarah saying she thought Newt could beat Obama. Lots going on.
Then there's the New Dixie Strategies Poll that has Gingrich Up By .38%
(Jan 23-25) 2,567 likely voters.