>>>>>Wouldnt suicide indicate a lack of faith?
Perhaps. But there are sincere believers who struggle with suicidal feelings. If they get help, those suicidal feelings will not result in suicide.
However, some believers find it difficult to talk to pastors and counsellors of their suicidal feelings, because those feelings would be viewed as evidence of a lack of faith.
It is easier for people in the secular world who struggle with suicidal thoughts, to get the help that they need. But it is much harder for Christians with suicidal feelings to talk about those feelings with therapists, because of fear of being labelled unfaithful.
A believer is always expected to display a life of joy, that comes from knowing Christ. Openly acknowledging that one has suicidal thoughts is taboo, and opens one to accusations that one does not really have Christ in his life.
I believe suicide shows full faith. My g-friend is out to dinner tonight with her two children on the 5yr anniversary of her husbands suicide. Sand yes, I know what it feels like to be seratonine deficient. Its terrible..