Facts are stubborn things. She had a significant effect on Newt's victory in the SC primary. Did you miss it? It was one of the bigger political stories lately. So yes, she would likely add a couple percentage points to Newt's tally in FLA. You say “look away”, I say to you “look at” the facts. Then you'll be apprised of all the current events stumblebummer. You thought she'd be irrelevant by now and it burns you, that's obvious.
You thought she'd be irrelevant by now and it burns you, that's obvious. Her endorsing the sun rising in the east does not cause it to do so.
So yes, she would likely add a couple percentage points to Newt's tally in FLA.
Then she needs to get on it. What seems to be the hold-up?
Then you'll be apprised of all the current events stumblebummer.
Oh, my. Name-calling. High-level stuff going on here.