The RCC in the US is hopeless.
I’m RC born and raised. I am voting for Newt come “heck” or high water! The Pope himself could not make me vote for Mittens!
There’s always hope. I’m RC and voted for Newt, so did my wife and mother-in-law. That’s at least 3 of us in SC.
I would say that the problem-Catholics are generally thought to be in the north. There can be little that southern Catholics nor even the Hispanic Catholics find satisfactory in Myth.
Personally, I think Newt may be doing just fine on the stump in Florida, and the outgrowth of it will spread by Tuesday, I pray. He is the best at informing people what exactly is going on with this barrage of incoming to save Romney in Florida. BACKLASH COMING, I expect.
My mother was wondering the other day how Obama ever got elected when so many Catholics went down for the March for Life.
Answer: those very same people pulled the Democrat lever because their union (or some other form of self-interest) told them to do so.