I was infUriated by Fox ‘n Friends coverage of Romney and Newt this morning so I shot off an email to Gretchen Carlson telling her I was disappointed in her “of all people at Fox.” I received her reply...LOL.
Shame on you Gretchen!
I am stunned by your anti-Gingrich rants this morning. You of all people on Fox.
How about using some truth, instead of Romney’s talking points/smears??
Nancy Reagan in 1995: Ronnie handed the torch to Newt.
I’m terribly disappointed in you.
please. that couldn’t be further from the truth. i read quotes attributed to other people. i am very aware of keeping it fair and balanced. thanks
Gotta take furbaby number two to get his stitches out. BBL.
BOR is so pompous that even on the rare times I watch and agree with him, I hate myself for doing it.
The way I watch most TV is when I'm on the net {usually at FR} I just watch the u-tube clips that people claim are good to watch. This is so much better and you don't get bogged down with 30 minutes of blah, blah, blah for 2 minutes of good stuff {unfortunately, someone does do the watching and posting}.
Thanks for giving Gretchen the FR view of the FOXXY people.
Golly, Onyx, GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
That link of Nancy Reagan gives me a lump in my throat. She’s so beautiful and classy.
She was barely polite in her response.
Thanks for posting your Gretchen exchange, Onyx.
I agree that it wasn’t very polite but at least she answered, which is more than most of them do. :-)
Greta usually responds too..but that might be because I tell her I’m from WI. and she’s a Cheesehead too.
So if y’all write to her, tell her you live here! :-)