What a great line, however, appealing to Beck to become rational is wasting your breath.
Glenn Beck, once one of my favorite people, especially on the mall in DC, has had something go wrong in his brain.
This is a real mental disease that Glenn has developed.
You used to be able to discuss rational viewpoints with Beck, now he goes into a screaming rage.
When his back was hurt a couple of days ago, and Stu and Pat ran the show, I could listen to the whole thing.
When Beck is there, I can barely stand 15 minutes before I turn off Beck and go to quiet music.
The only thing left to do for Beck is pray, he is beyond reason.
Glenn Beck, once one of my favorite people, especially on the mall in DC, has had something go wrong in his brain.
This is a real mental disease that Glenn has developed.
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Cognitive dissonance will do that to you.
And you are right, he needs our prayers.