BOR is a egomaniac whore.
For being afraid of the impact of charges on the individuals will have on the overall organization.
Weed your garden and it will thrive.
BOR is King Invertebrate of the No Spine Zone.
Entertainers like BOR just absolutely suck.
In Paterno’s case, financial greed (the institution) plus reputation greed.
In the Church’s case, more complexity. This is a 2,000 year old institution that will continue to persist no matter if there’s coverup or disclosure. Were the Bishops greedy for preservation of personal reputation? Not as likely. Were they cowards: yes.
He blasts the dead? Joe Paterno died! Shame on Bill for more than just this.
He blasts the dead? Joe Paterno died! Shame on Bill for more than just this.
I have a theory - just that, a theory, with nothing other than my knowledge of my husband’s parents.
My husband’s father was a very talented golfer - on the tour with the big ones early in the game. He had to leave the tour to support his young family, and eventually (after WW2) managed to find work at country clubs as a pro/teacher.
He worked his way up to a very fine WASP upscale club in the Pittsburgh area as an assistant pro, and was respected and loved by all. When the senior pro retired, he was put up by a large majority of the club members for the senior job.
He was blackballed, however, because of the country his parents came from. You see, his mother and father came to the US early in the century from Italy.
Many of us today just do not understand the prejudices of those times, particularly in certain circles of wealth and privilege.
So, if Joe, like my father-in-law, knew the subtle prejudices that existed back then, he was hesitant to take action against Sandusky. Maybe not, but I think it is a possibility.
And, just so you all know, my own father tried to have my husband fired from his job for having the “nerve” to date me, and ask me to marry him. Yes, i am one of those WASPS, from a “fine old family of bluebloods” (/sarc)
And, as late as the 60s, there was still one WASP club in Rhode Island that wouldn’t admit anyone with Irish heritage.
Just saying.
Vatican Blamed Homosexuality on the abuse Crisis as it was an attraction to Boys. Homosexuals worldwide went Crazy.. USA Bishops in John Jay Report Ignored Homosexuality as cause.The average age of death of a Male Homosexual in USA is 43 yrs old. It is one big lie... The Ironic part is Catholic Church has the Largest Number of AIDS Hospice beds in USA. they can’t catch any break.
What O'Really does not tell you is this. Joe Paterno due to privacy laws involving children would not have been privy as too outcome or and specifics proven or not in those investigations of Sandusky. Some real high ups at PennState knew about this. So why isn't OReally going after the higher ups? Because going after Joe Paterno is good for ratings?
When all this first began Joe Paterno was past most persons retirement age or about 67. Joe only knew that the authorities knew about the allegations. Laying THEIR Failures on him is not right. The media was handed a dieing 85 year old coach as the scapegoat for all others who did not do their job even though they had necessary police powers and could obtain information he did not have nor would he have ever been allowed to have.
I can’t believe people still watch this clown, but apparently they do.
BOR said something...imagine that.
Haven’t watched the self-important bastard in years.
O’Reilly cannot face the truth:
Either you are on the side of the innocent children, or you are on the side of the homosexual pedophiles.
There’s no in-between.
The homo mafia, of course.
Yes, your instinct is correct.
Isn’t this the guy that got Sued for Sexual Harrassment by his own Employees and Staff, Cheated on his WIFE AND KIDS, And hired a private investigator to threaten and intimidate his Wife during the Divorce?? What a piece of work this lying scumbag has turned out to be. All of these are considered Attributes if you work in the MEDIA.
When he falls to the ground, the hyenas should be allowed to rip the flesh from his body as he begs for mercy.
One of his victims will be armed and permitted to shoot him to put him out of pain {if he chooses or just let him be eaten alive}.
I know, I may be showing too much Christian mercy, but it's Sunday and the celebration of the Mass has over taken me.