Romney and Gingrich have baggage. It’s not too impressive to see these two going ‘round and ‘round. Our best candidates are gone. I think Gingrich is the best of the bunch but can he survive (the bad stuff of) his past? I don’t think he’s really straightforwardly answering the issues his opponents are bringing up. I don’t like the answer of “Well, the American people can see through these accusations.” That was a Cain response instead of being straightforward and meeting these charges head on. If they’re true than man up and explain or convince us about a genuine change of heart.
I remember Newt’s ethics charges. The democrats loaded on dozens and dozens of bogus charges just because they could. All charges except 1 were quickly dismissed.
Trying to go through them all would be insane on Gingrich’s part since they had no substance and answering them would put totally false stories on the air. Why would anyone do that?
So, there was one charge that was initially upheld, but eventually found to be wrong.
Get ready for it. This is real big.
Newt taught a history class.
What was wrong with that? Opponents said it had a political bias. (That was later proven to be wrong.)
Did he take a bribe, engage in fraud, run a scam, use his power to run over people?
He taught a class.