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To: Jim Robinson

I wonder if any of you have done any due diligence on his background, and I don’t mean his personal life.

Gingrich is not a man of his word, he has a track record to prove this. I believe you all will regret wanting him as President.

Santorum is not as fiscally conservative as I would like, but he is no worse than Newt on that front, and he is a social conservative. Most importantly, he has character. I don’t care if Newt can debate someone under the table, we need a man of character in the White House or our country will not pull out of this mess.


Just a little history to consider...


Marietta (GA) Daily Journal from September 16, 1996. The headline is ‘Gingrich supports gun ban.’ I remember Newt’s betrayal of gun owners back in the 90s like it was yesterday,” said D.R. Leonard, Political Director of Georgia Gun Owners...

In 1996, Newt Gingrich turned his back on gun owners and voted for the anti-gun Brady Campaign’s Lautenberg Gun Ban, which strips the Second Amendment rights of citizens involved in misdemeanor domestic violence charges or temporary protection orders — in some cases for actions as minor as spanking a child.

Gingrich also stood shoulder to shoulder with Nancy Pelosi to pass the “Criminal Safezones Act” which prevents armed citizens from defending themselves in certain arbitrary locations. Virtually all Americans know that Criminal Safezones don’t protect law-abiding citizens, but actually protect the criminals who ignore them.

“But the biggest knife that Newt plunged into the back of all Americans and gun owners who wish to defend themselves and their families, was his coming out in support of a national thumbprint database for gun owners,” said Mr. Leonard.

“I think we prefer to go to instant check on an immediate basis and try to accelerate implementing instant checks so that you could literally check by thumbprint… Instant check is a much better system than the Brady process.” — Newt Gingrich, June 27, 1997


Gingrich seeks middle path on immigration

“GINGRICH: No, but let me say this, John. No serious citizen who’s concerned about solving this problem should get trapped into a yes/no answer in which you’re either for totally selling out protecting America or you’re for totally kicking out 20 million people in a heartless way. There are — there are humane, practical steps to solve this problem, if we can get the politicians and the news media to just deal with it honestly.”June 2011 Debate Transcript

Amnesty (Nov 23, 11 - CNN Debate)

“Once you’ve put every piece in place, which includes the guest worker program, you need something like a World War II Selective Service Board that, frankly, reviews the people who are here,” Gingrich said at the debate. “If you’ve come here recently, you have no ties to this country, you ought to go home, period. If you’ve been here 25 years and you got three kids and two grandkids, you’ve been paying taxes and obeying the law, (and) you belong to a local church, I don’t think we’re going to separate you from your family, uproot you forcefully and kick you out.”


Gingrich - supporting the individual mandate, calling Paul Ryan’s budget plan “radical”



“In 1994, Newt Gingrich described himself as a... fan of the ideas espoused in the book, The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler, in which homosexuality, promiscuity, adultery, divorce, and abortion are all viewed as perfectly normal and even desirable. He said that in order to understand him, you should read the book, The Third Wave by Toffler. This book is written from the perspective of someone who is writing a letter to America’s Founding Fathers, in which he describes the Constitution and the principles of limited government that guided our Founding Fathers as becoming increasing irrelevant, and obsolete, and hence in need of being radically redesigned and replaced!....When Newt Gingrich became the Speaker of the House in 1994, he recommended The Third Wave as required reading for all of his Congressional colleagues!”


Newt Gingrich supported GATT, NAFTA and WTO while in Congress.

Mr. Toffler encourages the DEATH of the American Constitutional system. Mr Gingrich who wrote the forward in Toffler book “Creating A New Civilization” obviously agrees.


Newt supported an individual mandate in health insurance

Reminder: Newt Gingrich Teamed Up With Hillary Clinton, Wanted Government MANDATED Health Care

Howard Dean Endorses Newt

Bill Clinton, Schumer endorse Newt - Nov 2011

Newt with his BFFS Princess Pelosi, Kerry and Al Sharpton

Newt loves HC mandates always has


The one who says he is been for Entitlement Reform for 15 years?

or the Newt who called the exact same plan when Paul Ryan purposed it “Right wing social engineering”


Was paid $300,000 to lobby for Freddie Mae and Fannie Mach in 2006

Endorsed by Barney Frank


Newt Gingrich Co-Sponsored the 1987 Pro-Fairness Doctrine Bill


GIngrich: FDR was the greatest President of the 20th century. Andy Stern is a Visionary Leader



Newt: Too Green for 2012

1989: Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA) co-sponsors the ambitious Global Warming Prevention Act (H.R. 1078), which finds that “the Earth’s atmosphere is being changed at an unprecedented rate by pollutants resulting from human activities, inefficient and wasteful fossil fuel use, and the effects of rapid population growth in many regions,” that “global warming imperils human health and well-being” and calls for policies “to reduce world emissions of carbon dioxide by at least 20 percent from 1988 levels by 2000.” The legislation recognizes that global warming is a “major threat to political stability, international security, and economic prosperity.” [H.R. 1078, 2/22/1989]

1992: Gingrich calls the environmental proposals in Al Gore’s book Earth in Balance “devastatingly threatening to most American pocketbooks and jobs.” [National Journal, 9/5/92]

1996: At a speech for the Detroit Economic Club, Gingrich mocks “Al Gore’s global warming,” citing “the largest snowstorm in New York City’s history”: “We were in the middle of budget negotiations; the football games were coming up and we noticed on the weather channel that an early symptom of Al Gore’s global warming was coming to the East Coast. And it does make you wonder sometimes, doesn’t it, how theoretical statisticians in the middle of the largest snowstorm in New York City’s history could stand there and say, ‘I don’t care what it’s doing. It’s going to get very hot soon.’” [FDCH Political Transcripts, 1/16/96]

1997: As Speaker of the House, Gingrich co-sponsors H. Con. Res. 151, which notes carbon dioxide is a “major greenhouse gas” that comes from “products whose manufacture consumes fossil fuels” and calls on the United States to “manage its public domain national forests to maximize the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.” [H. Con. Res. 151, 9/10/1997]

2007: Gingrich calls for a cap-and-trade system with tax incentives for clean energy. “I think if you have mandatory carbon caps combined with a trading system, much like we did with sulfur, and if you have a tax-incentive program for investing in the solutions, that there’s a package there that’s very, very good. And frankly, it’s something I would strongly support.” [Frontline, 2/15/07]

February 15, 2007: “I think if you have mandatory carbon caps combined with a trading system, much like we did with sulfur, and if you have a tax-incentive program for investing in the solutions, that there’s a package there that’s very, very good. And frankly, it’s something I would strongly support.” [Frontline, 2/15/07]

In a debate on climate policy with Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), Gingrich says “the evidence is sufficient that we should move towards the most effective possible steps to reduce carbon-loading of the atmosphere,” and that we should “do it urgently.” [ThinkProgress, 4/10/07]

In a Washington Post chat, Gingrich rejects a cap-and-trade system, saying it “would lead to corruption, political favoritism, and would have a huge impact on the economy.” He says he supports “tax credits for dramatically reducing carbon emissions.” [Washington Post, 4/17/08]

2008: In an advertisement made for Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, Gingrich sat with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and said that “we do agree our country must take action to address climate change.” [We Campaign, 4/18/08]

“I don’t think that we have conclusive proof of global warming. And I don’t think we have conclusive proof that humans are at the center of it.” [, 4/22/08]

April 4, 2009: “And now, in 2009, instead of making energy cheaper—which would help create jobs and save Americans money—President Obama wants to impose a cap-and-trade regime. Such a plan would have the effect of an across-the-board energy tax on every American. That will make our artificial energy crisis even worse—and raising taxes during a deep economic recession will only accelerate American job losses.” [Newsweek, 4/4/09]

Pell grant for K-12 schools - Gingrich thinks more Federal government involvement in schools is a good thing.


Gingrich supports radical leftist Dede Scozzafava (whom he champions as a “moderate Republican”) is getting heated pushback from Dallas Tea Party activists raising their voices at Borders Books in Dallas.

Here Gingrich snarks that conservatives who object to backing radical leftists don’t think Reagan was conservative enough:

Conservatives Laugh Off Gingrich Presidential Dreams

Newt Gingrich a wolf in sheep’s clothing

Left Wing of the GOP - Complete vetting of Newt Gingrich

Stop the Insanity say no to Newt

Newt for 2012? No, thanks.


MORE (from another source - sorry some things are duplicates)

04/02/1987 – He cosponsored the 1987 Fairness Doctrine

10/22/1991 – He voted for an amendment that would create a National Police Corps.

03/–/1993 – He Voted for sending $1.6 Billion in foreign aid to Russia.

11/19/1993 – He voted for the NAFTA Implementation Act.

11/27/1994 – He supported the GATT Treaty subjecting US Sovereignty to the WTO

04/25/1996 – Voted for the single largest increase on Federal education spending ($3.5 Billion)

04/10/1995 – He supported Federal tax dollars being spent on abortions.

06/01/1996 – He helped a Democrat switch parties in an attempt to defeat Ron Paul in the 1996 election.

01/22/1997 – Congress gave him a record-setting $300,000 fine for ethical wrongdoing.

11/29/2006 – He said that free speech should be curtailed in order to fight terrorism. Wants to stop terrorists from using the internet. Called for a “serious debate about the 1st Amendment.”

02/15/2007 – He supported Bush’s proposal for mandatory carbon caps.

09/28/2008 – Says if he were in office, he would have voted for the $700B TARP bailout.

10/01/2008 – Says in an article that TARP was a “workout, not a bailout.”

12/08/2008 – He was paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac to halt Congress from bringing necessary reform.

03/31/2009 – Says we should have Singapore-style drug tests for Americans.

11/15/2010 – He defended Romneycare

12/05/2010 – He said that a website owner should be considered an enemy combatant, hunted down and executed, for publishing leaked government memos.

01/30/2011 – He lobbied for ethanol subsidies.

01/30/2011 – He suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans.

02/13/2011 – He criticized Obama for sending less U.S. taxdollars to Egypt.

02/15/2011 – His book said that he believes man-made climate-change and advocated creating “a new endowment for conservation and the environment.”

03/09/2011 – He blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for the country.

03/15/2011 – Says that NAFTA worked because it created jobs in Mexico.

03/19/2011 – He has no regrets about supporting Medicare drug coverage. (Now $7.2T unfunded liability)

03/23/2011 – He completely flip-flopped on Libyan intervention in 16 days.

03/25/2011 – He plans to sign as many as 200 executive orders on his first day as president.

04/25/2011 – He’s a paid lobbyist for Federal ethanol subsidies.

05/12/2011 – He was more supportive of individual health-care mandates than Mitt Romney.

08/01/2011 – He hired a company to create fake Twitter to appear as if he had a following.

10/07/2011 – He said he’d ignore the Supreme Court if need be.

11/16/2011 – Was revealed he actually received 1.6 million from Freddie Mac, vs. his previously stated $300,000-

2009-2010 Travels around the country with Al Sharpton and Arne Duncan to promote President Obama’s new educational policies: i.e. increased local control of schools with increased Federal subsidies and regulations from Washington.

2010 Supported ultra-liberal, pro-abortion, pro-union, establishment candidate Dede Scozzafava in New York’s 23rd Congressional District in a special election, over conservative candidate Doug Hoffman.

1995 Gingrich Wrote the foreword to Alvin Toffler’s book, “The Politics of the Third Wave, Creating a New Civilization” and advocated all members of Congress should read the book. The book calls for a “New Democracy” for the 21st century which is essentially based on following Plato’s Third Wave virtues:

1. Private property must be abolished, the wealthy hated and their wealth redistributed by state mandate.

2. Children belong to, and are born to serve the state. The influence of parents is noxious and disruptive to the interest of the state, thus every child should be raised in government nurseries, without knowledge of who his or her parents are and without the parents having knowledge of who their offspring are. Every child becomes the common property of every parent in the city. Every parent has the collective duty to watch over them.

3. Private education, like traditional parenting, is at the very headwaters of falsehood and social strife. It must be eliminated and replaced with a closely monitored state school system.

4. Old values passed down in history, song, children’s books, all need to be rewritten to discredit and erase the old virtues and to exalt and enthrone the new.

5. Frivolous children’s games eliminated, new games developed that emphasize law and order.

6. Private industry is self serving. State should have absolute control of all industry for benefit of the whole.

7. Class mobility is a revolutionary idea that threatens the stability of the state and the pre-eminence of true philosophy. A strict caste system and the elimination of career choice is the answer.

8. Talent must never be allowed to wander or be wasted. Early on, children must be identified and channeled by the state for the benefit of the state into careers selected by the state.

9. Under the guise of equality, women ought to be exploited: first to foment ‘class war’ during the Third Wave (women’s roles are reversed to men’s); next, to be promptly put into their place as part of a ‘community of women’ to be shared collectively by male guardians.

10. Selective breeding is beneficial to the state.

11. Unwanted babies, inferior babies, deformed babies, and the adult handicapped are an unnecessary drag on the prosperity and well-being of society. They should be left to die. Unproductive adults, likewise, should be terminated.

12. Homosexuality is morally acceptable and homosexual rape of lower-class males and boys is a right of rulers, guardians and war heroes.

13. Only a few men are foreordained to understand life and higher good… the rest are equivalent of dumb sheep.

14. Absolute loyalty to the government is vital for the success and safety of society. A state sanctioned National Police network is an essential good.

15. Wealth is not essential to the safety of the state.

- Gingrich voted to permit the Federal Reserve to purchase Treasury Debt

- Bailed out savings and loan institutions in 1991. $40B Bank bailout

- Gingrich voted to strengthen the federal home loan agencies

- Gingrich voted for increased powers to the FDIC to bail out struggling savings and loans through reorganization, purchase of bad assets, or recapitalization.

- Gingrich voted in favor of the Chrysler Bailout in 1979

- Gingrich voted for an oil windfall profits tax in 1979, which was signed by Jimmy Carter.

- Urged the House to repeal the War Powers Act and give the Presidency more power.

- Urged Clinton to expand military presence in Bosnia.

- Gingrich voted against a provision requiring congressional approval prior to deployment of U.S. troops into Central America in 1983.

- Gingrich voted to increase CIA secrecy and against any requirement that the President report covert activity to congress before it is initiated.

- Gingrich voted for Jimmy Carter’s “Energy Mobilization Board.”

- Gingrich voted for an increase in taxes on coal producers in 1981

- Gingrich voted for a 5-cent increase in the gas tax to fund highway and other mass-transit projects.

- Gingrich was one of the few who voted against the 1984 bill requiring the President and Congress to submit a balanced budget

- Gingrich voted for a congressional pay raise

- Gingrich voted against a bipartisan 1% cut to the Department of Defense budget for 1983

302 posted on 01/19/2012 2:07:23 PM PST by justsaynomore
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To: justsaynomore

Willard??? Is that you?

303 posted on 01/19/2012 2:09:00 PM PST by CainConservative (Newt/Perry 2012 with Cain, Huck, Petraeus, Parker, Watts, Duncan, & Bachmann in Newt's Cabinet)
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To: justsaynomore
- Gingrich voted against a bipartisan 1% cut to the Department of Defense budget for 1983

Huh? Is this a plus or a minus? Considering I was in in 1983 I can tell you what it should be. Just trying to figure out why it's on your list.

354 posted on 01/19/2012 2:34:00 PM PST by VeniVidiVici (Obama's War on Prosperity is killing me)
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To: justsaynomore

Bwahahahahah, and you thought we’d believe you came up with that by your self? LOL, take off your mask now and get up off the floor.

361 posted on 01/19/2012 2:38:29 PM PST by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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To: justsaynomore

Dude, there is no-one tapping your phone!! Alvin Toffler is “hypothetical.” Newt’s forward only exhibits a willingness to look at the future in a scientific way, not an endorsement of his every idea.

487 posted on 01/19/2012 4:44:58 PM PST by ez (When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.)
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