To: Bigtigermike
Ron Paul is actually an alien, he has a hard time with the idea of defending the United States and retaining eyebrows.
68 posted on
01/18/2012 4:02:02 PM PST by
(That's right, I have no proof. So what of it??)
To: #1CTYankee
What candidate was interviewed by ABC and what could they have said? ABC’s knickers are in a bunch whether to actually report whatever it was...
Could Newt have said “I may have cheated, but unlike our current President, at least it was with a WOMAN!”
82 posted on
01/18/2012 4:04:37 PM PST by
To: All
Just watching Special Report--Krauthammer as much as admitted he is in the tank for Mittens: he said he was "worried about" the statement Romney made (about his earnings from speeches being "not much" when it was $360,00) hurting him in South Carolina.
Maybe am reading too much into this--but I think K's use of the word "worried" reveals a lot about how he feels about Romney's candidacy.
107 posted on
01/18/2012 4:10:13 PM PST by
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