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Using an accounting trick of taking certain items off the budget has allowed democrats and pubbies alike to claim ‘balancing the budget’.

So you admit that it was an accounting trick and that the budget never was balanced. Thanks for clearing that up.

btw, I heard Newt himself repeating the lie yet again today on the Hannity show. As for JimRob, he was paraphrasing what is written on the WOF website. I have no idea when Jim wrote what you reposted, but you can be rest assured that Jim already knows what I think about this bogus claim. And to his credit, he did not argue otherwise.

So again for the record, Newt Gingrich did not balance the budget. Newt Gingrich did not create a budget surplus. The national debt increased every single year he was a member of Congress and has continued to rise every year since. So when Newt Gingrich got on the radio today and said that he balanced the budget each of the four years he was Speaker, he was lying through his teeth. Capisce?

65 posted on 01/16/2012 5:15:02 PM PST by Hoodat (Because they do not change, Therefore they do not fear God. -Psalm 55:19-)
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To: Hoodat

No, he was correct according to the trick of accounting being used. Romney will not be president no matter how much crud you manage to sling at FR/on FR. You are of the ilk who want the Republic to suffer if/when your chsen candidate does not get the office. Your bitter spittling reveals the spirit within you. Capisce? Bwahahahaha

66 posted on 01/16/2012 5:43:53 PM PST by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)
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