All filty rich millionare “investment” azzholes love Romney. They all do the exact same thing he does. They destroy others lives so they can make themselves richer. They do not build up companies and try to help out failing companies. The fire every person that works there and hire new people. They are the lowest of the low. Filthy rich baztards who have gotten filthy rich by destroying others. I have no use at all for this type of “capitalism”. It is called VULTURE capitalism, and that is exactly what it is.
They are all a bunch of VULTURES, as low as snake in the grass.
Ever hear of strategic bankruptcy? Those guys developed it to what it is. Strategic bankruptcy allows for a company to keep operating even though it's gone broke. Granted that it usually means pay cuts and/or some jobs lost. But, it's a lot better than outright liquidation - which means everyone loses his/her job - or becoming a zombie corporation operating under a trustee while the obligations get sorted out. Asset stripping was part of the bankruptcy trustee's job. That's the way bankruptcy was handled before those guys came along. In the olden days, when a company went bankrupt it was kaput.
Anyways, I'm making a general point that has little to do with Romney himself. Some groups of people are easy to hate because they're doing the dirty work, and of course some others find it galling if the work's highly paid. And, of course, the people in the field aren't free market purists; they use the system like any other businesspeople. Show me the CEO of a "real" company that would turn down money extracted from the taxpayers in the form of a government subsidy.