If you have facts that a Mormon can’t make his decisions in government without subjugating them their church, that’s a great position.Otherwise, I don’t see how it’s anything other than religions bigotry. Would seem odd to put the former on Mitt as most people on this forum would wish he governed more in line with the (public at least) precepts of Mormon church. You can not vote for Mitt based on whatever basis you choose - but I think the logic put forward here says more about you than it does about Mitt.
Bishop Romney is a leader in the religion, he did not violate Mormon teachings.
Romney will require especially devout, and devoted (and secretive) Mormon Secret Service agents if he becomes president, drawn from the 15% of Mormons who qualify as uniquely devoted, to share in the inner secrets of the religion and leadership, and who are so designated for acceptance by the Bishops like Mitt Romney.
Under your logic, someone tortured by an Islamic government is bigoted if he refuses to support an Islamic leader. You, sir, are full of it.