You know, you keep referring to how Newt acted in the 90s when referring to the role of government and such. If you were that focused on other candidates, using only a small slice of their time to judge their worth, I am sure there is a slice of Romney’s life you could use to justify a vote for him. Gingrich’s more recent actions, even in the last year, disqualify him for me.
Sorry, I’m all debated out. I have made my choice. I post positive stuff about Newt, I challenge people - but just a little - when I sense they have open minds and hearts, and my words might get them thinking a little in another direction. But I have made my choice. I don’t like Santorum but I do like Perry, also. Alot. And I have actually stood up for Santorum when he was getting maligned about handling his baby’s death. I talk about the 90s because that was the last time Newt was in public office.