the problem is that We conservatives have to rally around one candidate before the South Carolina Vote or Romney will win this nomination by default! With Santorum at 24 % Newt at 18% and Paul the votes are being slit.. We need 1 One Candidate to beat Romney.. As long as there is three Romney wins. Period!!!!!
Up until April 1, all Republican primaries divvy up their delegates proportionately. After that date, they can choose to be winner-take-all or proportional.
In 2008, the early primaries were all winner-take-all -- which gave McCain the lion's share of the delegates, though he never broke 38%.
Because of the proportional sharing of delegates nobody is going to be able to "pull a McCain" in the early primaries -- including Romney.
Consequently, we don't have to select a single conservative candidate...yet. We can continue to watch Santorum, Gingrich and Perry perform and make our determination accordingly.
Not until April 1 do we need to coalesce around a single candidate...
“We conservatives have to rally around one candidate before the South Carolina Vote or Romney will win this nomination by default!”
That’s impractical.
But, at the latest, we need to coalesce around the leader after SC and Fla. That lets Sant/Ging battle it out to see who will be the strongest in two key states.
A Romney win will be the end of GOP.
Dems know it.
Total revolt on that.