Should I consider my self ... undeceived now.. Sorry Liberty is liberty and stalinism is stalinism.... I really don’t give a shit who does it and what candy comes with the poison.
So, you demand that every enemy combatant MUST be given a fair trial and sentenced to capital punishment or criminal imprisonment for a definite period of time, before they can be killed or held in detention without a trial and sentencing. Great idea, because the Federal budget will no longer require and Artillery Corps for the Army. After all, if you cannot kill a jihadist without first having a fair trial and sentencing, the artillery will be useless. The Infantry Corps will have to give up their machine guns, because there is no telling which of the jihadists could be tagging along in the attack wave as an unarmed U.S. and California citizen. The Air force will find its fighter-bombers of no further use, since they cannot tell the difference from far above between a U.S. citizen jihadist and a foreign jihadist. When the jihadists put a U.S. soldier, Marine, or airman on show trial in retaliation, we'll at least be warmly satisfied that no one can call us a Stalinist, right?