20 weeks.
Read the friggin' article and ask yourself:
When, in my ENTIRE LIFE have I even heard of such a thing before? Who brings home a 20 WEEK premmie, dead, and kisses and cuddles it with their other children?
When have you even heard of such a thing before and why the hell don't you think it's weird?
If that is the best you have to convince that Santorum is “some crazy &(^*” you missed your mark. I like him all the more. It wasn’t a fetus, it was a baby. Heck, you couldn’t hit a barn at 20 paces with this logic of yours. I will support Santorum if nominated.
If you are correct that the baby was 20 weeks old, this makes it even more clear why Colmes is viscerally nasty over this event: the Santorums graphically demonstrated that the Liberals’ god, Abortion, is a demonic fraud.
The god Abortion doesn’t like it when people get a glimpse of what a 20-week-old baby really looks like.
5 months........premature babies are born daily now with less development.
But this isn't a baby to you is it? What is it Mariner, just another viable tissue mass to be discarded or to be picked up by the funeral home and thrown into a casket?