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Benghazi: Osama’s Revenge on Obama
American Thinker ^ | October 13, 2012 | James Lewis

Posted on Saturday, October 13, 2012 3:01:26 AM by neverdem

Talk about chickens coming home to roost. Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos. It’s the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain: al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger.

The Middle East is beginning to fall apart — Iran just sent a spy drone over Israel’s sensitive defense installations, and the IDF waited hours to react; Turkey forced down a Syrian arms plane, and al-Qaeda’s Al Zawahiri openly assaulted the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in a six-hour attack, working through al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM), while the glorious Libyan friends did nothing as our ambassador was being raped and murdered. The guards called for help, and nobody responded. A police car fled the scene. The other ten cop cars requested by the consulate never showed up.

The Libyan regime knew. It had to know.

In Afghanistan, our soldiers are being murdered by the same Afghan troops we are training to take over after we leave. They can see the weak horse and the strong horse, and they are trying to tell the strong horse what side they are on. These folks used to be on our side, but they know which way the storm is blowing.

Remember: host governments are always responsible for the safety of accredited diplomats and soldiers. Always, always, always. Embassies have a U.S. Marine color guard — not for protection, but for a symbolic presence. Host governments have overwhelming power: armies, cops, and a huge intelligence apparatus. In Afghanistan, believe it or not, we are the guests of the regime. If Afghan soldiers are killing us, it’s because the regime is trying to save its butt, now that we have bowed down to the Taliban.

When Ayatollah Khomeini staged the takeover of\...
(Because articles disappear)

When Ayatollah Khomeini staged the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979, he denied any responsibility. Jimmy Carter was weak enough to do nothing for a whole year, when the answer is right in the textbooks: the host government is always responsible for the security of diplomats. As soon as Reagan beat Carter, the U.S. hostages were released pronto, because Khomeini was not ready to die. His point was made.

Interesting footnote: Khomeini’s runner to the embassy terrorists was a kid named Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It was a big career move for him.

America may not have a memory, but the Islamists do. They’ve got our number, and they knew how far to push. They are not interested in you and me — not yet — but in the 1.4 billion Muslims who are quietly loving the revenge of Allah. This is how al-Qaeda gets notorious, wealthy, and powerful. This is how Islamists make recruits all over the world, including the West. Now Islamist throwbacks own Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Gaza. America is asleep at the switch, and Islamic fascists are on the march. Women in the millions are putting on chadors, niqabs, and black tents, not because they want to, but because they are afraid not to. They are right to be afraid. Our raving feminists are silent as the grave.

Remember: both our Cairo Embassy and our Benghazi Consulate were attacked, with a black al-Qaeda flag waving over the ruins for the international cameras. Al-Qaeda’s signature is simultaneous attacks in different places. This was the biggest victory for AQ since 9/11/01. We handed it to them. Obama bowed down to King Abdullah in public. Hillary has been videoed a thousand times walking with Huma, both wearing head scarves.

Signals. In the Muslim world, if you send an openly gay ambassador to Libya, you might as well paint a target on him. If you make Hillary — the betrayed wife of President Bill — your secstate, expect the outraged patriarchal pride of the throwbacks to take revenge. You think Hillary being secstate is wonderful and progressive, and they take it as a personal insult and demand bloody revenge. They are laughing at her now — a weak woman with a weaker president.

In Egypt and Libya, our glorified “Arab Spring” buddies did nothing while our sovereign territory went up in flames, our diplomats were shot and abused, and our national security secrets were stolen. So-called “spontaneous protests” exploded in fourteen Muslim countries at the same time as the Cairo and Benghazi assaults. Our diplomats have now been pulled out of a reported 20 Muslim countries, including Tunisia, Mali, Algeria, Libya.

It was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11/01, and our State Department idiotically pulled the U.S. Marines and military contractors out of Libya — in favor of radical Islamists hired at $13,000 per year. Instead of U.S. Marines to guard the embassies with machine guns those State Department moneys went to Green Chevy Volts.

To show them we mean no harm. How they must be laughing at us.

Hours before the Benghazi attack on Ambassador Chris Stevens, al-Qaeda released a web video from Ayman Al Zawahiri — bin Laden’s second in command. According to the Israeli intelligence-linked news site

Zawahiri called on the faithful to take revenge on the United States for liquidating one of the organization’s top operatives, Abu Yahya al-Libi in June by a US drone in Northwestern Pakistan. Its release was a “go signal” for the hit team to attack the US diplomats in Benghazi.

Why Benghazi? Because al-Libi means “the Libyan.” Obama’s U.S. predator killed Yahya al-Libi in Pakistan, and al-Qaeda takes instant revenge on our top diplomat in Libya.

Why the timing? It was 9/11, hours after the United States held memorial ceremonies for the victims, broadcast around the world.

It may not make sense to us, but it makes all the sense in the world to radical Muslims, al-Qaeda, Taliban, Salafists, Wahhabis, suicidal Twelvers, martyrdom freaks of Hezb’allah, and neo-Ottomans. There are hundreds of these little sects around the world, all whipped up every Friday by the local imam, sheikh, or other revenge fantasist.

Signals. They understand them. We have a media and political class that throws sand in our eyes. They are screaming at us, and we are pretending not to hear.

We now know why the administration has been running like hell from the assaults in Benghazi and Cairo. Weeks of flimsy lies, day after day, starting with Obama’s speech to the United Nations, where he blamed a shoddy web video made by a Christian Copt from Egypt (”a resident of Southern California”) who was promptly put in jail, presumably to protect his life. The BBC instantly blamed the video on 100 Jews — or was it 500? — who paid for the cruddy video. Anything to deflect blame in those crucial hours. Then the BBC “corrected” its lie after it went around the globe.

Our U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice is still running the same lies Obama told weeks ago. Hillary and the State Department are telling different lies every day; Obama is blaming the intelligence agencies, who are leaking right back; and somebody is blaming the Pentagon today.

This would be a scream if it wasn’t so dangerous.

Al-Sharq Al-Awsat is an Arab newspaper published in London, and it’s found a Libyan guard who survived that night, named ‘Ali. (Translation by; formatting in original.)

... Ali was part of a Special Protection Unit, which comprises members of the February 17 Brigade, a Libyan militia comprising radical Islamists which was established following the Libyan revolution.

Back in March 2012, the U.S. Consulate had hired members of the Special Protection Unit to guard its compound.

‘Ali and others in his team describe ... the embassy’s poor cooperation when, following the June 2012 attack on the embassy, (when a bomb exploded outside the Benghazi consulate) they requested upgrades to their weapons and improvement of the security tools at their disposal.

‘Ali said that during the attack, after the embassy was stormed by some 50 men, ... his team’s calls for backup, in Arabic and English, went unanswered by both the Americans inside the embassy and by the February 17 Brigade headquarters less than two miles away.

... Police Vehicle Outside Consulate “Fled The Scene”; No Response To Libyan Guards’ Call For Backup

‘Ali ... was taken by surprise by the attack, which he said “seemed to come out of nowhere.” He said that he first noticed that the police car outside the consulate - an additional layer of security provided by the Libyan government - “took off quickly, fleeing the scene.”

He then saw some 50 men, mostly unarmed, approaching the consulate by foot on the dirt road leading up to it, headed by eight masked men, two of whom carried RPGs. ... Shortly thereafter, one of the attackers fired three (RPG) rounds at the main gate, while others stormed the consulate wall.

...the great majority of the attackers were Libyans from Benghazi, and some of them were masked. ... four of the attackers, all apparently masked, were the leaders of the group, because ... all the others seemed to listen to them and to follow their orders.

... one of the four leaders had worn a Pakistani-type garment, and carried a golden pistol. A second, whom he described as a “short, fat, irritable” man about 5’4” with a beard visible under his mask carrying an AK-47, asked him about where the Americans were inside the consulate. A third man, he said, who was about 5’7”, wore a long robe.”

This is the age of the web, and the U.S. State Department must have been following every moment of the six-hour attack. They knew about September 11. They knew about Zawahiri’s video. They knew Al-Libi was assassinated on President Obama’s direct orders in Pakistan. They had received distress calls from the U.S. ambassador in Libya.

They knew. If they didn’t know, they should resign en masse.

If the State Department knew, Hillary must have known. If Hillary knew, Obama must have been told. This is the age of instant communication. Didn’t somebody have a cell phone?

They knew and did nothing.

It was 3 am, and nobody picked up the phone.

If Americans can’t figure this out, the bad guys will. They already know. Only the ignorant and foolish don’t get it.

807 posted on 10/13/2012 2:18:04 AM PDT by MestaMachine (obama kills and none dare call it treason)
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To: MestaMachine

The 09/11/01 in common with the 09/11/ the Clinton leadership fail that preceded both.

808 posted on 10/13/2012 2:27:50 AM PDT by mo (If you understand, no explanation is needed. If you don't understand, no explanation is possible.)
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To: MestaMachine

Reponding to your great post #807. I believe all of it and also that many knew it was going to happen including Brennan, Clapper, and Petraeus. I’ve been interested in the motives, which keeps making me want look back, to Yugoslavia. Did they begin their greedy, murderous, destructive path with that country, and if so why? Per history it was a country that saved Europe for centuries from the Jihadi Salafists-Wahhabis Caliphate-ists. The country was already weakened financially, weakened further by having their paid Jihad Salafist-Wahhabi assassins create a ground war in advance, then the NGO media made it appear like was a genocide against Muslims by the Serbs. When it was a country trying to save itself from them. NATO - Clinon, Westley Clarke et al then bombed it to save them from socalled genocide. The MSM covered it mostly by what they were told by the NGO’s on the ground, to include websites of the NGO’s - ICG/ICC/HRW/IRC - then they setup even more local nonprofit sites to echo their stories. The NGO’s work hand in hand with the MSM...some pay their airfare and the journalists stay with the NGO’s while they’re there - almost like the days when they had a USSR tour guide. Journalists are on the board of many of these nonprofits - true. They eventually Balkanized the country and gave Islam a state of their own and even supplied them with a Grand Mufti...forget his name...Certe or something. Anyway they now have a country in which to train their “army” of jihad assassins and Kosovo is where many of them train as we speak. So there’s now an almost a clear route to Europe. In the end Serbia etc. were easily pressured into selling away their land, oil, mineral, water rights...the globalists got it cheap. If any refused NATO- our govenment/globals created a scandal and the leader was deposed. They also use the threat of no free ball...or else. It’s really why they hate us. UN-NGO’s have control of the schools, all schools will be taught the same globally, thank George Schultz for signing the US treaty with Russia. They’re standardizing everything from education to healthcare to redistribution to law and order with peace controlled by the tip of the assassin sword. We’ll each have a carbon footprint etc., will live and work in an assigned zone...currency and banking will be the sharia approved microfinance. We’ll have a universal religion...they’re banking on sufi/gnosticism/occultism. They hate those who practice Judeo-Christianity because it gives us a faith with REASON because faith without reason is dead. I guess it’s mostly Agenda 21.

Why did the UN permit Turkey to illegally occupy North Cyprus? Greece is on it’s knees as we speak, Spain next, a naneth from the ground, and so on. When one looks at the map, Israel is the only country left in that region, protecting us from the Globalists!!! What we give them in money is pittance. They’ll probably also Balkanize the Islamic bloc countries, easier to control for the jihadists who’ve been brainwashed into thinking it’s a great thing. And as for us, we’ve got California on it’s last legs, with Jihad Salafists within and without our borders. One could go on...Georgia and their Orange Revolution etc., pipelines everywhere.

I found this on a ME site exactly as written below:

“Sam Basile is here

and remember that one of the diplomats killed in Libya!!!! this week was

That both Basile and Smith were into *games* appear too coincidental thus invited some research...

I looked them up and can’t find a link between either company, i.e., Aruze Gaming America Inc. where Sam Basile was made VP, and CCP’s Eve online where Smith *played games*. There’s been a name game w/ alias’ similar to each other when it came to Sam... Was Nikoula, or was it Sam Basile, taken into protective custody rather than into police custody, for using the computer while on probation? Nikoula = Basile? Nikoula denies it. The others, Klein, Sadek, the preacher...just Christian red meat for the Islamists and perhaps fodder for us to investigate. I still find it difficult to believe that the Coptics would jeopardize their relatives in Egypt in this way.

Just found this...Sam Basile but there’s also a Samantha Basile:

Is Sam Basile a woman? Samantha...NOTE her affiliations:

Then found this...

“Why did a Saudi Wahabi Al Naas TV Channel take the Arabic translation of the clip from a well known radical Coptic Christian, Maurice Sadek madman, and broadcast it into the homes of 50% illiterate Egyptians knowing what the response would be?

If it were not for the Saudis the movie would never have been shown in the region.

What was their motive?”

Did Maurice Sadek pass it to Khaled Abdullah? Dunno.

Dunno any of it really...just thoughts...

September 12th via AP...

This is about the best initial report I’ve read - nowhere does it mention Basile was Jewish - just that he was a real estate mention of al-Sharia...Nakoula denied he had posed as Basile...

September 12th, 6:24am CBS via AP

“One of the groups to emerge in post-revolution Libya, Ansar al-Sharia, claimed responsibility Wednesday for the attack in Benghazi, which has been condemned by the country’s new government.”...

Al-Sharia initially claimed responsibility and within a day or two was emphatically denying it...what was all that about?

Was it AP or WSJ who got the Jewish real estate developer story going?

WSJ - 12th September, 12:59

By MATT BRADLEY in Cairo and DION NISSENBAUM in Washington

“The man who claimed to be the filmmaker, said he posted the trailer for his film on YouTube in early July. But it had largely escaped attention until recent days, when ACTIVISTS ON TWITTER pointed to clips that included actors in anachronistic costumes, near flimsy sets and often stumbling through lines. Egyptian clerics began widely condemning the footage.”

So they twittered it into infamy. The article didn’t mention the Jewish developer BUT - WSJ added this addendum at the bottom of the report:

Corrections & Amplifications
An earlier version of this article included claims by the person who identified himself as Sam Bacile that he is an Israeli-American and that he raised $5 million from about 100 Jewish donors to fund the film. Those claims weren’t confirmed and should not have been included in the article. In addition, the article has been updated to note that the name used by the person appears to be a pseudonym, based on subsequent reporting.

...NPR appeared to be the only one, or one of a very few who picked up the Jewish story from the WSJ beginning with “according to the Journal”, they then changed when WSJ made their correction a couple of hrs later BUT (the damage was done) the link to their AP source isn’t working so can’t find the article - later still in their ongoing reports - NPR mentions it yet again by pointing to the WSJ - stating that “Bacile repeated what he told the Journal to the AP”...

Both NPR and the NYTimes spell it Bacile.

Would be interested to discover which medium initiated the story first as it really ignited the fuel - not that it takes much.

September 15th - 5:05 pm

“He took sharp issue with the statements of the deputy interior minister, Wanis Al-Sharif, who has blamed both Gaddafi loyalists for the attack and criticized U.S. security guards who he said had inflamed demonstrators by firing at them. Magarief says pro-Gaddafi elements were not involved in either the attack on the consulate or later on another building a mile away where consulate staff sought safety. But U.S. intelligence sources aren’t convinced that an al Qaeda–affiliated group was behind the attack. “You have to draw a distinction between al Qaeda aligned or sympathetic and an actual affiliate,” says a U.S. official reached by email.”

Wanis Al-Sharif was fired a few days later...think the 18th. One wonders why they’re so emphatic it wasn’t any of Qaddafi’ ex-military. They’re some of the few, who could have been skilled enough in training, to have pulled off such a sophisicated attack.

Just found this EXCELLENT article on the blame the Jews, unfortunately it doesn’t say who first published the claim:

Blaming the Jews: Old Wine in a New Bottle

“Admittedly, I’m a bit touchy about false reports that Jews are involved in sinister activities, like the Wall Street Journal and Associated Press reports that a Jewish real-estate developer in California, having raised five million dollars from “more than 100 Jewish donors,” created the anti-Islam video that touched off riots throughout the Arab world and became the pretense for killing American diplomats in Libya. A cursory knowledge of history, conspiracy theories, and stereotyping — from international banking conspiracies to the Holocaust and its denial to present-day hate groups — can make you feel that way. But normally responsible sources like the Journal and the AP needn’t play into the hands of reactionaries, as they did in the initial reports that Jews were at the bottom of the worldwide furor.”...

Good initial report on the background:

819 posted on 10/13/2012 4:13:42 PM PDT by bronxville (Margaret Sanger - “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,Â)
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