iowa is different.
I live in iowa and I really think every state should do it like iowa does. You are allowed to change your vote. In fact, if I remember correctly, sometimes you are forced to change your vote. I could be remembering incorrectly, but it seems to me like everyone divides into groups, one group for each candidate. If a group has less than the minimum required people, then that group is disbanded and everyone in that group is forced to go join another group. The winner is the group with the most people.
So I am going with the expectation of voting for santorum, but if there isn’t enough people in the santorum group, I will join another group. I havn’t figured out yet who my second choice will be. Maybe perry. You just never know what is going to happen at a caucus sometimes.
The reason I think the iowa method is better is it is more involved and has a way of scaring off the people who are not really into politics. checking a box on a secret ballot is easy. you can do that without having any strong beliefs. But when you go to a caucus, you better be ready to explain to people why you choose the person you choose. You also better have an alternate candidate in mind just in case.
Iowa is scary. No thanks. Rick S. will get Romney nominated. That’s about all he can do. Go Newt.
The reason, as far as I can surmise, why the candidates spend so much time and money on Iowa, besides the fact that it's the first event that produces convention delegates, is that it can give a winning dark horse candidate a solid week of publicity they could never obtain otherwise. "Big Mo" as Bush I called it back in 1980.