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Attack Dogs Unleashed on Ron Paul ^ | December 28, 2011 | Mike Shedlock

Posted on 12/28/2011 11:40:14 AM PST by Kaslin

Attack dogs have finally been unleashed on Ron Paul. Those barking dogs caused Andrew Sullivan to Re-Think The Paul Endorsement

Time Magazine even launched a headline Paul Walks Away

No Need to Rethink Endorsement

There is no need to rethink endorsements. Here is the deal: Ron Paul did not say the things attributed to him. He denies them, disavows them, and most importantly, his voting record proves it!

Can anyone honestly tell me why things Ron Paul did NOT say over twenty years ago should be news today?

Paul Missed Best Tactic

How many times does he have to deny he wrote those things? Still, Ron Paul did not handle the CNN setup in the best possible manner.

This is what Paul said to CNN.

Why don’t you go back and look at what I said yesterday on CNN and what I’ve said for 20 something years. 22 years ago? I didn’t write them, I disavow them."

That answer was perfectly fine, as far as it went. Then Paul walked out. It was a missed opportunity.

Proposed Follow-Up

Rather than walking out, Paul should have followed up with ...

"I'm not here to discuss imaginary topics or things I never said. Now, do you want to discuss my position on the economy, on the Fed, and on spending, or is your only point to this interview to discuss things I did not say 20 years ago and have explained to CNN countless times?"

That would have smashed the ball down CNN interviewer Gloria Borger's throat, right where it belonged.

OK. Admittedly, Ron Paul did not respond in the perfect manner. So Ron Paul is human. Who isn't?

Is a transgression 22 years ago of something Ron Paul never said, and whose track record in congress proves it, any reason to drop support of Ron Paul?

In favor of who? Flip-flopper Newt Gingrich? Mitt Romney, the man that practically wrote the Obama Health-Care legislation? The Mitt Romney who wants to starts a trade war with China? Another Republican candidate that has no chance of winning?

If case you are a misguided Mitt Romney fan please consider President Obama and Mitt Romney are Nearly One and the Same!

Anyone "rethinking" their Ron Paul endorsement based on things Paul never said is not thinking clearly.

Attack Dog Plus Side

Here's the plus side to the attack dogs: Ron Paul is now considered a serious candidate or the attack dogs would not have been unleashed on things he never said 22 years ago.

Interestingly, The State Column reports Ron Paul still holds a lead in Iowa.

Thus, a majority of voters have decided that 22-year-old never-made statements are irrelevant, even if some misguided souls can't.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: earmarks4shrimp; gagdadbob; iowa; lead; onecosmosblog; paul; paulestinians; paulnuts; paultards; senile
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To: Kaslin
Ron Paul understands the the monetary system and its foundations in our Republic, and the budgetary requirements of this nation as well as anyone out there...and what he says and the policies he holds regarding them are spot on.

His foreign policy viza viz the Mid-East in particular (but also elsewhere) is dangerously short-sighted. The fact is, fundamental Islam has been at war with us for many, many years. They have attacked and killed our citizens and soldiers...long before 911. They did so in a spectacular fashion on 911 and we had a President in office who responded appropriately...getting authorization and approval from Congress (which IMHO passes constitutional muster) and took the fight to them.

Bush did it in a brilliant manner, taking on two enemies directly while completely isolating the third, larger enemy in Iran, having surrounded them on three sides (Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Arabian Sea). If Bush he had stayed in power...which he couldn't...or if we had elected someone with the same vision, then when the liberty bug and massive demonstrations occurred in Iran last year, he would have taken advantage of it and Iran would have fallen...with our help.

We should in fact avoid foreign entanglements as Paul states. but I define entannglements as things such as the UN and other involvements that are clouded and not in our best interest. OTOH, we should embrace treaties and economic agreements with friends and allies that enhance our interests.

If we were true to that, and to the true Free Market...and the principles that undergird it (like the same principles that undergird our constitution), we would be fine.

Anyhow, Paul adopting this posture that we are to blame for the Islamic attacks (we aren't) and that if we treat them better and allow them to have nukes they will then make nice with, as I say, dangeroulsy misguided, even if his monetary and budgetary leanings are spot on.

Finally, I am not satisfied with how he answered the question about his newsletters. They went out under his name. By extension they are his views. He either knew what was going in there and tacitly approved of it...or he was complacant to the point of being foolish as others used his newsletter as a platform to make those very wong-headed remarks. He cannot have it both ways.

He should disavow them...but he should also admit that he was negligent in his oversite of the newsletter. Without that, we are really left to wonder whether he really did mostly go along with them, or question his ability to manage what his own news-releases and press might say.

61 posted on 12/28/2011 12:42:06 PM PST by Jeff Head (Liberty is not free. Never has been, never will be. (
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To: Kinzua

Keep your head low. You Morons are becoming endangered species here and I need my entertainment.

62 posted on 12/28/2011 12:45:34 PM PST by ejonesie22 (8/30/10, the day Truth won.)
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To: Jeff Head
You must have missed the debate where Paul said Iran should be able to have nukes, and that the UN and the US had no right to say they can't have them. He also said the attacks on 9/11 were the result of US foreign policy and military presence. (That we are attacking them unprovoked, etc,,,)

The guy is a complete nut case. All the preceding lists of compliments on Earth won't reverse the fact that he is dangerous to our National Security.

63 posted on 12/28/2011 12:51:20 PM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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To: Kinzua

I’m desperately seeking a Constitutional candidate. Ron Paul is NOT the one I am looking for.

64 posted on 12/28/2011 12:53:14 PM PST by Ingtar (Newt (four more for Obama) & Mitt (Obamacare) - what wonderful choices!)
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To: Ingtar

It’s becoming obvious, those who support Paul are Liberals and radical, pot smoking idiots who formerly belonged to the Ralph Nader cult.

65 posted on 12/28/2011 12:59:18 PM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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To: csuzieque

I believe he’s 76. He is unhinged, however.

66 posted on 12/28/2011 1:04:05 PM PST by trisham (Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
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To: John D

My, how little you understand of Libertarianism!

67 posted on 12/28/2011 1:06:58 PM PST by rashley (Rashley)
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To: Ingtar

“I’m desperately seeking a Constitutional candidate. Ron Paul is NOT the one I am looking for.”

Then, you’re out of luck - unless you want to vote for Gary Johnson.

68 posted on 12/28/2011 1:09:55 PM PST by rashley (Rashley)
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To: rashley

No, to say that Libertarians are along the same line of thinking and functioning as Conservatives are, clearly demonstrates how little YOU understand about Liberalterianism.

69 posted on 12/28/2011 1:15:55 PM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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To: rashley
What do I not understand. Cut and Run And his band of surrender monkeys and OWS want the liberties we have in America, but are unwilling to pay what it costs to keep them.
Freedom is not free. It comes at a cost that Paul is afraid to pay.
70 posted on 12/28/2011 1:16:39 PM PST by John D
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To: jessduntno

“Do we have to keep giving him so much attention?”

In my humble opinion YES!

One thing he has never done is to endorse T”he Third Way” concept of blending Communism with Capitolism as Newt has.

That truly makes someone a “nut” and also renders them unfit to hold elected office.

71 posted on 12/28/2011 1:16:50 PM PST by Captain7seas (FIRE JANE LUBCHENCO FROM NOAA)
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To: Captain7seas
Now that is probably the most unabashed “dumbass” statements I have seen on this forum is months!

[One thing he has never done is to endorse T”he Third Way” concept of blending Communism with Capitolism as Newt has.]

Typical Paultard. We understand you can't spell Capitalism, but when you call Newt a Nationalist Socialist without providing proof to support your claim, you lose all credibility.

But don't bother, we already know that you will never be able to provide any such evidence, because none has ever existed.

72 posted on 12/28/2011 1:31:01 PM PST by PSYCHO-FREEP (If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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To: Matchett-PI
"....One cannot simply blindly apply first principles to every situation, for this ends in a dogmatic and false absolutism.

Thank you. I have been saying this for weeks and even changed my tagline because of it.

73 posted on 12/28/2011 1:32:53 PM PST by ez (When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.)
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To: CainConservative
"Here is the deal: Ron Paul did not say the things attributed to him."

Well, that's a magnificent lie.

What exactly did Paul say or write that is so horrible? Did he call someone the dreaded n-word or some other racial slur? Did he make a comment about fried chicken and watermelon? Did he make fun of someone's physical appearance? Has anyone produced the actual in context quotes of the vile, racist things Paul said or it all hearsay?

74 posted on 12/28/2011 1:34:19 PM PST by Roninf5-1
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To: Kaslin

This thread will show how well the MSM and RNC propaganda machines work. Yuri was correct.

75 posted on 12/28/2011 1:38:30 PM PST by algernonpj (He who pays the piper . . .)
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To: Daveinyork
PDS ROFL. Good 'un
76 posted on 12/28/2011 1:42:26 PM PST by algernonpj (He who pays the piper . . .)
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To: John D

OWS may be a fairly disparate group, but given that it was organized by Leftists angry at everybody but the real culprits, namely the Federal Government, the Federal Reserve, and Corporate Socialists, their overarching theme seems to be that they want more goodies (free goods and services) extorted from productive people and transferred to them via the government.

Libertarians don’t want the government taking anything away from anybody other than what is needed to fund its legitimate Constitutional duties. (And those are precious few.)

Yes, we are willing to pay the costs of freedom. I missed the part about how invading Iraq protects our freedoms.

77 posted on 12/28/2011 1:42:44 PM PST by rashley (Rashley)
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To: Roninf5-1

I would also like to see the things from Paul’s newsletter that are being discussed. I watched them misquote Newt over and over last month and would believe they are misquoting Paul. Perhaps someone who knows where to find them will post a link...

78 posted on 12/28/2011 1:42:59 PM PST by ez (When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.)
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To: Kinzua
Its easy to see which side of this “debate” discusses principles and issues and which side gets even more hysterical without offering anything objective or constructive.

The anti-Paul people had better come up with something more substantial than aaaahhhh he’s nuts! and anyone looking for a real Constutional candidate is a Paulbot.

Ending excessive foreign entanglements is not “cutting and running” or “appeasing”. In fact, the result would be a stronger America, more secure and prosperous and more able to be a real example in the World.

You forgot Paultard, Ronulan, and lives in mother's basement smoking weed.

Considering the shape this country is in, you'd think people would want an open discussion of many possible solutions. The status quo has well nigh eviscerated our once prosperous middle class, resulted in Islamic republics in Iran and Afghanistan, and bankrupted the country.

For example regarding Israel:

While my research thus far leads me to believe that Ron Paul is naive regarding the most basic motivation of Jihadis, consider the following:

GW kept reminding us that 'Islam is a religion of 'peace'. Never mentioned that Islam is a total political system and peace is achieved when there is a world wide caliphate under Sharia.

Ultimately Paul's foreign policy would be better for both Israel and Christianity.

While Israel would get no foreign aid, neither would its enemies:
2011 Interview

Newsmax: What should our relationship be with Israel?
Ron Paul:
We should be their friend and their trading partner. They are a democracy and we share many values with them. But we should not be their master. We should not dictate where their borders will be nor should we have veto power over their foreign policy.
... Stop and consider America’s policy: We give $3 billion a year to Israel in loans; and we give $12 billion or more in assistance to Israel’s self-declared enemies. Some of these are countries that say they will drive Israel into the sea.
... We should share intelligence for mutually agreed-upon goals. We should honor our pledge to refuse any arms sales that would undermine Israel’s qualitative military edge in the region.

As a result of 'nation building', promoting 'democracy' in the middle east, and PC immigration policy:

Iraq's Christians Near Extinction

Per Pamela Geller "US policy regarding the refugee resettlement program would shock most Americans if they only knew. The UN picks who becomes US refugees. Christians are being refused refugee status and face persecution and many times certain death for their religious beliefs under the sharia, while whole Muslim communities are entering the US by the tens of thousands per month despite the fact that they face no religious persecution"

Paul would stop funding the UN and pull us out of all treaties that impinge upon our sovereignty. His proposed budget would shut down entire federal bureaucracies while preserving military pensions. Could shutting down the tax payer funded trough be what has the political elite so p*ssed and the source of the smear campaign?
79 posted on 12/28/2011 1:56:12 PM PST by algernonpj (He who pays the piper . . .)
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To: ConfidentConservative
Attack Dogs Unleashed on Ron Paul


80 posted on 12/28/2011 1:59:43 PM PST by lonevoice (Klepto Baracka Marxo, impeach we much. We will much about that be committed.)
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