Sorry to you and Jim, but facebook is not how we put candidates on the ballot in Virginia, and we also don’t put candidates on the ballot because people throw tantrums, have fits, or think the rules are “too hard”.
If there was actual mischief, we will find it and correct it. If Perry and Gingrich didn’t turn in 10,000 valid signatures of registered voters, they didn’t qualify. Those are the laws, and last I looked conservatives were the ones who lived by the rule of law, not by emotion and protest.
What’s next, are you all going to come and do an “OWS” sit-in at RPV headquarters and hold your breath until you get your way? Seriously guys. I’m sure each candidate will make a formal request, and the RPV will consider those requests, but the organization is not RINO, it is not corrupt, it is not arbitrarily eliminating Newt because of some vast left-wing conspiracy.
All he needed was 15,000 signatures. Nobody could stop him from collecting that many signatures.
The whole point of the Virginia process is to keep it from being a stupid process such as “liking” people on Facebook.
It is designed to make the primary ballot controlled by GOP primary voters. It’s not just signatures of any body with a pulse that counts.