For practical purposes, $1,000 a year is nothing. It is $19.23 a week, probably less then the average libtard spends on soy lattes.
I took a 5% pay cut a couple years ago that added up to far more than that and still managed to live on what I earned. I wouldn’t miss the “tax cut” from Social Security either.
Well, yeah. This always struck me as a bad idea, anyway. When you're already in a hole, you don't double down and start digging faster.
However, sez me, it's not a bad idea to starve the beast. So, I pocketed my 2% (BTW, no where NEAR $40/wk. I've no idea where that idea came from) and moved on.
Where the hell did the $1000 come from? It is a payroll tax cut of $20/week for two months IF and only IF one makes $50000 a year. Total of approx $160 that is it!!!
WSJ and Rove both carrying water for Obama on this.
Of course we will all be told that Keystone is now a done deal..what a joke...the EPA will drag it out for years or until every job that is created by Keystone is a UNION job.