“His consulting is just more of the same influence peddling and crony capitalism that is killing this country.”
It is not influence peddling and crony capitalism that are killing this country. This country can survive an almost infinite amount of influence peddling and crony capitalism.
It is the left. The left, the left, the left. They hate our country, its system, and its constitution. They are at war with us, and people sit around grumbling about influence peddling and crony capitalism.
Oh, oh, I have a .50 caliber round through my heart, but never mind that, there’s a crony capitalism pimple on my nose.
Pay to play is the left left left. It’s just another form of fascism. If you want to see countries with slightly worse cronyism look at African countries. Nothing gets done without a little grease. It doesn’t matter what for a government takes if the corruption steals the ability for business to get done efficiently. Either you don’t get it or you are involved in it.