You’re correct about the establishment but I read an article that things have changed so much that SC’s pick is possibly not the nominee.I wonder if Jindal bows to Rove or if he will endorse Perry?If it wouldn’t be for the Newt love (which is fading) Perry would be up there and beat Romney.So the Newt bots in the tank for a RINO are enabling Romney.If Perry picked Palin as a VP would the Newt bots quit the Perry jealousy and hate? I don’t buy they’re BS story that Perry is pro amnesty when they are supporting a makes no sense.Perry will do what needs to be done and that is stop the insider trading cronyism in DC and put em all on Part time with pay cuts.Newt will just carry on the ponzi scheme insider trading as he is one of them and buds with them.
Jindal endorsed Perry right out of the missed that?