To: Matchett-PI
Thank you so much for posting the truth in such a detailed way.
I can’t believe how otherwise staunch conservatives on this forum can have so much collective amnesia about Newt, even when the evidence about him is pretty new.
70 posted on
12/13/2011 7:18:36 AM PST by
(Never give up, never surrender! REMEMBER NEDA)
To: VictoryGal
You’re welcome!
I’m STILL hoping that Palin will jump into the race.
Larry J. Sabatos Crystal Ball
2012 Republican Race: The Field May Not Be Closed
Conventional wisdom is that the Republican presidential field is set, and that it is much too late for a new candidate to enter the race.
In years past, that would be absolutely correct. Over the last few decades, dozens of primaries and caucuses have been shoe-horned into the opening weeks of the election year, with the tendency on the Republican side for the front-running candidate to score a quick knockout.
But next year, the arrangement of the primary calendar is much different. It is less condensed at the front, much more loaded with events at the back, with the prospect of a viable, late-starting candidate quite real.
[snip] Continue reading here:
Could Sarah Palin Still Get in the Race?
.....Feb. 14 is the last day that a late entrant could enter the race and reasonably be expected to do well in subsequent races.
The scenario looks something like this:
82 posted on
12/13/2011 7:31:09 AM PST by
("One party will generally represent the envied, the other the envious. Guess which ones." ~GagdadBob)
To: VictoryGal
I cant believe how otherwise staunch conservatives on this forum can have so much collective amnesia about Newt, even when the evidence about him is pretty new.
Collective amnesia? How about accepting reality. Free Republic does not choose the Republican candidate despite all of the "newt sucks", "cain sucks", "perry sucks", "bachmann sucks", "santorum sucks" threads that are posted here. Someone is going to eventually come out of this process as the nominee and right now, the country is LOVING Newt's debate performances.
And now, here is the reality. MSM blasted Bachmann. She fell in the polls. MSM blasted Perry. He sucked eggs at the first few debates he was in and fell in the polls. MSM blasted Cain with slander and MANY people began to doubt him after the fourth accusation came out. He also had major troubles answering Foreign Policy questions and fell in the polls. Rick Santorum just cannot get any momentum, Gary Johnson is too libertarian for many and Ron Paul makes absolutely no National Defense sense.
So, this is where we are. Newt vs Romney and it looks like FR is not going to support either.
87 posted on
12/13/2011 7:45:39 AM PST by
Eagle of Liberty
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